Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I stopped by the art store on the way home and picked up a pink and a purple Sharpie Paint pen. Both of the colors look to be good for what I have in mind with the effects. I just hope I don't screw it up when doing it. I haven't done effects with a physical media before. Squeezed in a little more work tonight while watching some family guy too. Once I finish the coat, there's a few shadows I'm going to deepen, add the energy effects, and figure out what to do with the background. Oh, and that orange around the X is going to become black. I played with that in photoshop and it looks better in solid black to go with the rest of the image. My friend's birthday is tomorrow, and thurdsay is Battlestar Galactica Thursdays at my friend's house, so Friday is looking like the next chance I get to work on this unless I can squeeze a bit in before going out tomorrow.

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