Wednesday, May 27, 2009

MMMMM... Shiny butt...

Just a quick update. I was originally not going to do Black Cat's in leather. I know it's supposed to be leather or latex, but I've always found that to be rather impractical, despite how damn sexy it is. Think about it, it you're jumping around rooftops at night and robbing banks and jewelry stores and what not, would you be wearing a non-breathable leather/latex body suit. Not if you wanted to be successful you wouldn't. Even if you're a really hot girl. :p If you were smart, you'd have a lightweight breathable suit with some hardened lightweight kevlar paneling over your vitals. And a zipper down the front for easy access, Giggity!

Anyway, I was going to do her suit more in a Lycra/Cloth texture, for a couple reasons, 1) I suck at shiny leather/latex still and 2) it was easier. I started fiddling around though and then had a happy accident which provided me with an awesome result for a leather suit. Then I added some glows to make the brightness from the city below stand out and voila! I might go back and tweak the glows some more, but I really like what I accidentally did here. Hard part's done, I should be able to finish this by the weekend.

1 comment:

Lan Pitts said...

Personally, I'd tone down the brightness just a smidge.