Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spider Pig, Spider Pig.....

...does whatever a superhero needs to do when he's got more than one mega babe jonesing for him. I was browsing Rodolphe's site today and came across another image with Spidey and this time MJ. I thought I should color it up too, as a companion piece to the one with Felicia. Since I've got Spidey and Felicia and their little tryst at night, I figured it'd make send for Peter to be taking MJ out in the day. A duality in his life of sorts. But by this thought process I've made Peter a cheating bastard, hence the Spider-Pig. The backgrounds are photomanipualtions, I'm not Adam Hughes talented yet. :( The characters are just flatted so far and I've started on the base to Black Cat's costume.

1 comment:

Lan Pitts said...

Pretty cool stuff there, boyo!